Shelby decided that she was ready to come into this world early. She was originally due February 3rd but joined at on January 31st at 1:40pm. My water broke the night before at around 630pm. We got to the hospital at 730pm and they admitted us. It was quite an experience going through the labor part. I got an epidural because I wanted to sleep and did not want to feel any pain. When the doctor came in to do the epidural, my blood pressure dropped pretty low and it took them a little bit to get me stable. Poor James, he said that my lips turned white. After that things got better and we were able to get some rest. My aunt, cousin and grandma came down from Utah to be there for the delivery because my parents couldn't come until after she was born. They arrived at around 2am.
The only other bad experience during this whole labor and delivery process was that when I was 9 1/2 cm, the doctor that was on call from my OB's office, decided that he needed to leave to go to the next hospital without checking with the nurses. So they had to give me medicine to stop my contractions until he could get back. That was so not fun. I was ready for her to come out and had to wait almost an hour for him to come back.
When she finally arrived it was amazing. James got to cut her cord and then got to help the nurse clean her up. She was absolutely amazing. She was 7lbs 10 oz and 21" long with a full head of hair. I couldn't believe that James and I created something so amazing.
My parents came out for a week to spend time with us and Shelby. They were so cute with her. My dad doesn't like to hold babies because he is afraid he will break them, but by the end of the week he was a pro. I can't wait for them to come back in April. It was really sad to see them go. I miss them so much but am so greatful that they are my parents.
So James and I are adjusting to being parents and not getting a lot of sleep. Shelby is doing great and growing every day. It is so fun to watch her and see her watch what is going on around her. I wish there was a way to read babies minds so that you can hear what they are thinking as they check out their surrounding.
Oh sweetie she is so cute. I get a little weepy when I see her and know that she is a part of you...She is so beautiful. I love you so much and hope to see you soon. love you
Shelby is so cute! I love all the hair that she has. I Think she looks alot like you Audra. We are glad that everything has turned out great and that Shelby is nice and healthy. We love you all.
She is darling. I love the hair. Enjoy every minute of it. Before you know it the are walking and getting into everything. :)
Ahhh thanks for sharing your special moments and thoughts with us. Shelby is precious.
(I remember James' having an angel kiss between his forehead as a baby and a child...I see Shelby has one too, just like her daddy.)
:) They do grow up fast...she has wonderful parents; congrats!
I'm so glad labor went well. Though I shake my fist at that doctor who LEFT when you were about to have the baby! Shelby is a beautiful beautiful baby, and I absolutely love her hair! (And her nose, LOVE that tiny little nose.)
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