Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

 We spent Christmas with my parents this year. Shelby of course was spoiled rotten. I guess she better get it in now, because my brother and sister will be having a baby when the time is right and then she will have some competition. James spoiled me rotten too.He of course waited until the last minute to go christmas shopping. My hubby is the complete opposite of me, I hate to wait until the last minute to do anything and he likes to wait. He did really good with my christmas presents. He made me cards that I can turn in for different things, like flowers, chocolates, me time, girls night and the best presents were getting my hair done and a day at the spa to get a pedi and facial. So excited! Now I just have to figure out when I want to get the spa day. My hair is so cute. James saw this women in the mall that had hair similar to mine and went up to her and asked where she got her hair done. He called and made the appointment and everything. The hair stylist did great and I will definitely being going back again. Here are some pictures from our Christmas. Enjoy!

James and Shelby's presents at our apartment

Shelby's presents at Grandma and Grumpz house

My dad made this out of a pattern of a baby crib I had when I was a little girl. He did an amazing job!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Shelby's Letter from Santa Claus

I opened my email the other morning and was surprised to see an email to Shelby from Santa Claus. So Cute! Enjoy.