We had Shelby's Baby Blessing a couple of weekends ago. We were so excited that so many family were able to come out and support us. We had a really fun weekend. We got up Saturday morning and went to Hoover Dam. Most of us were able to go on the PowerPlant Tour. Later that day we went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. It was so yummy! That night one of the Stakes in Henderson was sponsoring a production of Savior of the World which is a musical on the life of Christ. We all went to this except for poor Grammy. She got so sick during dinner and ended up going back to our house to rest. The play was great.
Sunday morning we got up and got the final preparations done for the luncheon we were having after the blessing. We got to church and James gave Shelby the most beautiful blessing. She looked so beautiful in the dress that my mom made for her. After church we took pictures and then headed home for the luncheon. It was so nice to be able to visit with family.
We had a great weekend and are truelly blessed to have such wonderful family in our lives. Thank you to everyone that came down to spend the weekend with us. We love you so much!!