My baby turned 2 months old on Saturday. She is getting so big!! James took me on our first date since having her on Saturday too. Shelby spent about 4 hours with our friend Laura Mayo while we went out. It was our first time going somewhere without her with us and it was kinda weird. I have gotten used to just having Shelby with us now. We went to the movies and saw Knowing with Nicholas Cage. It was a strange movie, especially at the end when it started having kinda a Scifi twist to it. We then went to eat at the Elephant Bar and then James took me to the Ben and Jerry's ice cream parlor. So good. Shelby did great with Laura and had a good time.
That night Las Vegas also particiapted in Earth Hour. At 830pm they turned out the lights on the Strip and also turned off the Welcome to Las Vegas sign. I guess that was the first time the sign had ever been turned off. We went up to The District to watch the lights get turned off. It was kinda cool.
We had a great weekend and are getting very excited to see family!!