So James and I have finally decided that we needed to get some things done in preparation for Shelby's arrival. We decided when we first found out we were pregnant that we wanted to buy our own carseat and stroller. We found the one that we wanted at Burlington Coat Factory. It is one of those travel systems and will work great for our next child as well. We also purchased a bassinet with some of the gift cards that we received from our baby shower in Wichita during Thanksgiving. My parents bought us this beautiful round crib and have been asking me for like 4 or 5 months now if we had put it up yet. We got everything put together this last week so now Shelby has a place to sleep and a carseat to come home from the hospital in.
My friend from church Laura is throwing me a baby shower here on Tuesday and I will post some pictures from that later this week.
We have a date set for the blessing of Shelby for anyone that would like to come. We are going to have the blessing on April 19th which is also James and my 1 year anniversary.