We are heading to Wichita for Christmas. We are very excited to spend two weeks with my family and be able to see some of my friends. I will post pics when we get back. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
James, Audra & Shelby
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Halloween & Other Happenings
It was Shelby's first halloween this year. She dressed up as a little monkey. She was so cute in her monkey costume. We went to our ward's trunk or treat and chili feed. James got to be a judge in the chili contest. Let's just say next year we are going to pass on being a judge.
Shelby is getting so big. She now has 4 teeth (two top and two bottom). She is so funny she makes these really cute faces now where she scrunches up her nose. She has also started pulling herself up. She is ready to walk in her mind but her little body is not quite steady enough yet.
Shelby is getting so big. She now has 4 teeth (two top and two bottom). She is so funny she makes these really cute faces now where she scrunches up her nose. She has also started pulling herself up. She is ready to walk in her mind but her little body is not quite steady enough yet.
Shelby's funny scrunchy face
Hanging out with daddy
The cute monkey
Cute halloween jammies from Grandma & Grumpz
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Happenings around the Swapp House
It has been a crazy month. My parents came out this weekend for a visit with Shelby, James and I. We have had a good visit and have enjoyhed watching Shelby interact with her grandparents. Today we went and had her 6 month pics taken at Portrait Innovations. They do a great job. I have included some of the pics from her shoot.
Monday, July 6, 2009
July 4th Weekend
We had a great weekend up in Utah for the 4th of July. Friday afternoon we got to spend with my Aunt Dode, Grammy and my cousins. We had so much fun. Dinner was so yummy at Olive Garden. It was nice to be able to spend time with them and catch up. I love my family so much!

Saturday James, Shelby and I got some much needed sleep. It was so nice to sleep in and then I got up and went to the bookstore one of my favorite things to do. Later that afternoon we headed down to Provo for the fireworks. We stopped and got some KFC for dinner and then went to save our spot on the grass. Shelby was being so cute hanging out on the blanket catching some rays. Poor baby was so tired, she fell asleep 20 minutes before the fireworks started.
We had a great weekend and it was so fun to spend time with family!!

Monday, June 22, 2009
Washington DC Trip
We got to spend a really fun week in Wasington DC last week. We went to celebrate Selina's graduation and to enjoy a much needed vacation. We got to see the Washington DC Temple, the National Zoo. We also went to the Natural History Museum, the Air and Space Museum and the monuments. It was so much fun and we had a blast with family. Here are some of the pics of our adventures.
United States Marine Corps War Memorial
On the Metro
The Hope Diamond at the Natural History Museum
James, Shelby & I with Selina
Selina in her Cap & Gown
At the Lincoln Memorial
The Washington Monument
Me in front of the White House
James, Shelby & I in front of Constitution Ave
James & Shelby at the Air & Space Museum
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Hot Times!!
We got home from church today and were hanging out in Daddy's den. I had turned our little floor fan on because when the computer is on it gets really hot in that room. Shelby was laying on the floor by the fan and had turned herself toward the fan and was letting the cold air blow up her dress to keep her cool. It was so funny. James was helping out her dress but holding it up until it stayed by itself to look like Marilyn Monroe's dress when it blew up. She is so funny!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Crib Time & Star Trek
So James and I decided that it was time to move Shelby into her crib. We moved her in last Friday night since James did not have to work the next day. She did fairly well only getting up once. She has been sleeping in there for almost a week now and I think is finally getting use to the idea. It is just me that is not used to it. I am used to having her in the room with us, so I end up checking her about 5 times from the time she goes to bed at 7 to when I finally make it to bed around midnight.
James and I also got to finally celebrate our 1 year anniversary (only a month late). We went to see Star Trek and went to dinner with our friends the Newberrys. I was surprised with the movie. It was actually really good. Definitely one that we will have to buy when it comes out on DVD. We went to dinner at BJs. It was really yummy.
James and I also got to finally celebrate our 1 year anniversary (only a month late). We went to see Star Trek and went to dinner with our friends the Newberrys. I was surprised with the movie. It was actually really good. Definitely one that we will have to buy when it comes out on DVD. We went to dinner at BJs. It was really yummy.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Hoover Dam, Cheesecake Factory, Baby Blessing, OH MY!!
I started this blog about a week ago and accidently hit the back button instead of save. It was too late and I was way too tired to start it again. So here we go.
We had Shelby's Baby Blessing a couple of weekends ago. We were so excited that so many family were able to come out and support us. We had a really fun weekend. We got up Saturday morning and went to Hoover Dam. Most of us were able to go on the PowerPlant Tour. Later that day we went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. It was so yummy! That night one of the Stakes in Henderson was sponsoring a production of Savior of the World which is a musical on the life of Christ. We all went to this except for poor Grammy. She got so sick during dinner and ended up going back to our house to rest. The play was great.
Sunday morning we got up and got the final preparations done for the luncheon we were having after the blessing. We got to church and James gave Shelby the most beautiful blessing. She looked so beautiful in the dress that my mom made for her. After church we took pictures and then headed home for the luncheon. It was so nice to be able to visit with family.
We had a great weekend and are truelly blessed to have such wonderful family in our lives. Thank you to everyone that came down to spend the weekend with us. We love you so much!!

We had Shelby's Baby Blessing a couple of weekends ago. We were so excited that so many family were able to come out and support us. We had a really fun weekend. We got up Saturday morning and went to Hoover Dam. Most of us were able to go on the PowerPlant Tour. Later that day we went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. It was so yummy! That night one of the Stakes in Henderson was sponsoring a production of Savior of the World which is a musical on the life of Christ. We all went to this except for poor Grammy. She got so sick during dinner and ended up going back to our house to rest. The play was great.
Sunday morning we got up and got the final preparations done for the luncheon we were having after the blessing. We got to church and James gave Shelby the most beautiful blessing. She looked so beautiful in the dress that my mom made for her. After church we took pictures and then headed home for the luncheon. It was so nice to be able to visit with family.
We had a great weekend and are truelly blessed to have such wonderful family in our lives. Thank you to everyone that came down to spend the weekend with us. We love you so much!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
My Baby is 2 months old and the lights go out in Vegas!
My baby turned 2 months old on Saturday. She is getting so big!! James took me on our first date since having her on Saturday too. Shelby spent about 4 hours with our friend Laura Mayo while we went out. It was our first time going somewhere without her with us and it was kinda weird. I have gotten used to just having Shelby with us now. We went to the movies and saw Knowing with Nicholas Cage. It was a strange movie, especially at the end when it started having kinda a Scifi twist to it. We then went to eat at the Elephant Bar and then James took me to the Ben and Jerry's ice cream parlor. So good. Shelby did great with Laura and had a good time.
That night Las Vegas also particiapted in Earth Hour. At 830pm they turned out the lights on the Strip and also turned off the Welcome to Las Vegas sign. I guess that was the first time the sign had ever been turned off. We went up to The District to watch the lights get turned off. It was kinda cool.
We had a great weekend and are getting very excited to see family!!

That night Las Vegas also particiapted in Earth Hour. At 830pm they turned out the lights on the Strip and also turned off the Welcome to Las Vegas sign. I guess that was the first time the sign had ever been turned off. We went up to The District to watch the lights get turned off. It was kinda cool.
We had a great weekend and are getting very excited to see family!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Church and Bedtime Routine
We took Shelby to church for the first time a couple of Sunday's ago. She did really good. We dressed her up in one of the fancy dresses that daddy picked out for her. She looked so cute. Then last Sunday she wore the dress the her Aunt Jeanna sent her. I can't believe how big she is getting. We had to put away her newborn clothes already.
She also slept through the night a couple of nights ago. I didn't even realize that she hadn't gotten up until it was 5am. We have a pretty good routine down now. We give Shelby her bath between 8 and 9pm and then I feed her really good and then we put her down. She loves her bath time and I think she knows now that when she gets her bath that it is time for bed.
We are also looking forward to seeing family in about a month for Shelby's blessing. It will be nice to have almost everyone her to support us. We will miss the family that is unable to come but know that you will be here with us in Spirit.
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